The new CD by Heinrich Schweizer is ready
'- Here is the long awaited CD, which can be described as a fluke. The very large number of vocal parts come with SDG-master technology by the naturailty filling out the whole soundfield. Those passages that sounded imperfect for various reasons now seem as swept off the table, and they contribute to the overall impression is of cantatas by significantly higher level than without SDG-master technology. What sounded like a church sounds before, sounds now souveraine as from a cathedral! " The CD contains sacred music of the composer, instrumental and choral, recorded in Zurich and in Bangkok. Artists: First successful CD pressing with high slope
For the best possible signal quality when playing a CD-s, it is very important how fast the change of 0 to 1 and can be carried back. What in the electronic signal appears as a rectangle that is to be shown on the disc as perfectly as possible, so as close as possible to the 90 degree slope to be approached. This quality we can achieve at the glass disc is First "SDG-Masterglass", the glass CD, produced with SDG-mastering technologyBy joining our 'SDG-master' Mastering technology 'SDG-Masterglass', the etched glass disc technology, we bring the beginning of October 2009 a new product called 'SDG-Masterglass' on the market. Since our mastering technology in the equipment which can reproduce the sound of a normal medium is far superior, this particular precision of the etched glass discs became necessary. What our electronics makes, continuing the disc physically.
Since these SDG-Masterglass discs are in all the measuring and hearing tests far superior to the wide-spreaded technologies, VDE Gallo makes with this edition a decisive step to become the best-sounding label of the world.
First CD with SDG-master mastering - glass mastering technology has been released.
The Swiss music label VDE-Gallo is expert in classical and world music and made with over eight hundred publications in most of their own recordings or productions its name renowned. The numerous prizes and awards are the result of years of challenging, with heart and soul label run by Monsieur Olivier Buttex.